Altar Guild: It is our calling to prepare the Sanctuary for our common worship. Through this preparation, we envelope the congregation in an atmosphere that will enhance their worship experience.
Chalice Bearers: These individuals are prepared to assist the officiant during the preparation of the Eucharist and in serving it to all of God's children.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: The Lay Eucharistic Visitors serve the larger Diocesan Mission and Vision by ensuring that the body and blood from our communal worship is available to and shared by those who are unable to join the corporate worship due to illness, being homebound, or living in assisted living facilities or nursing homes.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Many members of St. Andrew's make prayer shawls, which are blessed at a worship service. Shawls are then presented to members of the parish, their friends, and those in the community who are in need of prayer.
Altar Guild: It is our calling to prepare the Sanctuary for our common worship. Through this preparation, we envelope the congregation in an atmosphere that will enhance their worship experience.
Chalice Bearers: These individuals are prepared to assist the officiant during the preparation of the Eucharist and in serving it to all of God's children.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: The Lay Eucharistic Visitors serve the larger Diocesan Mission and Vision by ensuring that the body and blood from our communal worship is available to and shared by those who are unable to join the corporate worship due to illness, being homebound, or living in assisted living facilities or nursing homes.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Many members of St. Andrew's make prayer shawls, which are blessed at a worship service. Shawls are then presented to members of the parish, their friends, and those in the community who are in need of prayer.
Community Outreach
St. Andrew's partners with and supports these community organizations:
Manna Pantry of Big Rapids is an interfaith emergency food pantry located at St. Andrew's. Donations of non-perishable food, seasonal produce, and money are always appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering or need emergency food assistance, contact the pantry at (231) 408-2940 or Executive Director Kevin Courtney at (231) 580-1463. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page.
Our Brother's Keeper (OBK) is located at 405 S. 3rd St. in Big Rapids, MI. OBK provides short-term housing for those in need in Mecosta, Osceola, Newaygo, and Lake counties from November through April, as well as assisting with employment skills and long-term housing assistance. For more information about volunteering, events, donating, or finding a place to stay, visit their website or call (231) 629-8033. There is no cost to those who use OBK for shelter, and services are confidential.
Women's Information Service, LLC (WISE) provides crisis intervention, support, and shelter to women and children who have been victims of domestic violence or sexual assault in Mecosta, Osceola, and Newaygo counties. They also provide education programs on domestic and sexual abuse to the communities they serve. For more information on volunteering, events, donating, or finding a place to stay, visit their website, their Facebook page, or call their main office at (231) 796-6600. If you are in need of emergency help from WISE, call the 24-Hour Crisis Line at (800) 374-9473 or 911.
Diverse Sexuality and Gender Alliance (DSAGA) and Advocacy and Education for Gender Identity and Sexuality (AEGIS) are both Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) at Ferris State University. Their goals are to provide an educational and social outlet for LGBTQ students at Ferris and to help create a community that is supportive and welcoming of all. More information can be found on AEGIS's Facebook page.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international mutual aid fellowship founded in 1935 by Bill W. and Dr. Bob S. in Akron, Ohio. AA's stated primary purpose is to help alcoholics "stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobreity." A women's group meets at St. Andrew's every Wednesday at 12 pm in the Parish Hall. Click here to find your nearest AA group.
St. Andrew's partners with and supports these community organizations:
Manna Pantry of Big Rapids is an interfaith emergency food pantry located at St. Andrew's. Donations of non-perishable food, seasonal produce, and money are always appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering or need emergency food assistance, contact the pantry at (231) 408-2940 or Executive Director Kevin Courtney at (231) 580-1463. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page.
Our Brother's Keeper (OBK) is located at 405 S. 3rd St. in Big Rapids, MI. OBK provides short-term housing for those in need in Mecosta, Osceola, Newaygo, and Lake counties from November through April, as well as assisting with employment skills and long-term housing assistance. For more information about volunteering, events, donating, or finding a place to stay, visit their website or call (231) 629-8033. There is no cost to those who use OBK for shelter, and services are confidential.
Women's Information Service, LLC (WISE) provides crisis intervention, support, and shelter to women and children who have been victims of domestic violence or sexual assault in Mecosta, Osceola, and Newaygo counties. They also provide education programs on domestic and sexual abuse to the communities they serve. For more information on volunteering, events, donating, or finding a place to stay, visit their website, their Facebook page, or call their main office at (231) 796-6600. If you are in need of emergency help from WISE, call the 24-Hour Crisis Line at (800) 374-9473 or 911.
Diverse Sexuality and Gender Alliance (DSAGA) and Advocacy and Education for Gender Identity and Sexuality (AEGIS) are both Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) at Ferris State University. Their goals are to provide an educational and social outlet for LGBTQ students at Ferris and to help create a community that is supportive and welcoming of all. More information can be found on AEGIS's Facebook page.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international mutual aid fellowship founded in 1935 by Bill W. and Dr. Bob S. in Akron, Ohio. AA's stated primary purpose is to help alcoholics "stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobreity." A women's group meets at St. Andrew's every Wednesday at 12 pm in the Parish Hall. Click here to find your nearest AA group.